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Yu Zhe
May 17, 2017
Managing change
Managing change Most employees _______ change that is _______ and ________ ________ them. So, if a company wants to _______ a policy that...

Yu Zhe
May 16, 2017
Change - 高级词汇
关于change同义词的变化是根据意思不同而选择的。有些change的变化是更好,有些更糟糕,还有些是中立的。场景的运用对于词汇的准确尤为关键。 #Englishglossary

Yu Zhe
May 15, 2017
Shopping behaviour
关于购物我们每个人都再熟悉不过了,那么用英文购物不应该只有那么几个在中国英语学习里满天飞的单词例如shopaholics, window shopping。 What kind of shopper are you? ______ shopper: You might go...

Yu Zhe
May 15, 2017
Garden life - 高级词汇
I’ve always been excited by the idea of a garden which ______ the best of nature, so, having ______ a ______ in the country. I’m now...

Yu Zhe
May 12, 2017
Competitive sport - 高级词汇
在英语听力练习中应该说体育术语算是其中难点之一了,例如足球比赛的主客场,以下的练习将会让大家更好的理解运动中的英语词汇: In the top European cup competition in rugby, 24 teams are divided into six...

Yu Zhe
May 12, 2017
Talk about plays and films
每当想起学生用英语口语描述电影时似乎只有special effect, fiction movie, exciting,大家可以练习下更真实的表达: The Woman in Black is a _______ _______ _______ that will have...

Yu Zhe
May 12, 2017
Talk about holidays - 高级词汇
City breaks in Prague Prague is a _______ city, and this _______ capital of the Czech Republic makes a romantic and _______ city-break...

Yu Zhe
May 11, 2017
Foods have different meanings - 高级词汇
Many food words form part of an idiomatic expression, or are used informally in spoken English with different meaning....

Yu Zhe
May 11, 2017
Kitchen equipment - 高级词汇
看到这些词汇很多人都觉得自己的英语词汇其实还远远不够,因为有太多的生活词汇是我们的盲区。 Find six compound words or word combinations in the word list below: Cheese, lemon, kitchen,...

Yu Zhe
May 10, 2017
Fruit, vegetables, nuts, herbs and spices - 高级词汇
看到上面的图片大家可以问问自己有多少是会的,在中国的餐厅英文菜单中又有多少是错误的,比如香菜经常被翻译为parsley而实际上是coriander。这样的错误例子又岂止一个。我们应该学会丰富我们的生活词汇,就像喜欢的水果不应该只有apple, strawberry 等。...

Yu Zhe
May 9, 2017
Polite and impolite - 高级词汇
这是一篇非常适合英语口语表达的词汇总结: A: Felicity’s manners are ______, aren’t they? B: Yes, ______, but that brother of hers is a bit ______. A: I’d call...

Yu Zhe
May 9, 2017
Table manners - 高级词汇
我们来看下几个国家的餐桌礼仪: Dine _________ In the Phillippines, it’s considered good ______ to eat all the food on your plate. In Afghanistan,...

Yu Zhe
May 8, 2017
Teenage behaviour
在之前我们学习了概括性的行为描述,接下来我们看下青少年的行为描述: Getting ______ teens to pull their weight You can ______ ______ ______ _____ about the sate of your...

Yu Zhe
May 8, 2017
Behaviour - 高级词汇
这些词汇在写作和阅读中使用更加频繁,当我们描述一个人的行为时: Why do we behave the way we do? Is it ______ or ______? According to behavioural psychologist Michael...

Yu Zhe
May 8, 2017
Reasons of hating others - 高级词汇
当我们讨厌憎恨一件事情或者某个人时,如何更生动的来表达呢: Pop stars who start off as ______ or ______ with strong moral principles. Then, as soon as they become rich...

Yu Zhe
May 5, 2017
Admiration and loathsomeness - 高级词汇
当我们表达崇拜他/她人时,不仅仅只有admire,当我们憎恨某人时,也不仅仅只有hate: 请大家用左边的词汇来完成下面的短文: My _______ was Mother Theresa. I admired her ________, her ________, and...

Yu Zhe
May 2, 2017
Successful relationships - 高级词汇
在词汇上一节中我们涉及了difficult relationships那么下面看下successful relationships有哪些是我们不熟悉的: Now, two years on, things are ______ ______. Initially the...

Yu Zhe
May 2, 2017
Difficult relationships - 高级词汇
我们在讲解过relationship专题,接下来练习下difficult relationship: When I married Vince, he already had two daughters from his first marriage, and they...

Yu Zhe
May 1, 2017
Feelings and reactions - 高级词汇
内心活动与人物性格的描述一样都是较为抽象的,接下来需要大家用表格中的词汇来替换以下句子中的情感形容: I should think she was gobsmacked - She was - absolutely __________. Did he get very...

Yu Zhe
May 1, 2017
Personal qualities - 高级词汇
或许大部分英语学习者都能说出一些最简单的人物性格描述,比如easygoing, outgoing, kind, friendly, etc,但我们其实还有很多更深入的人物性格描述的词汇。接下来我们将用上面表格中的词汇完成下面的文章。 Kattie's profile:...
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