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Jun 23, 2017
Escape to the future with virtual reality
By Pat Kane Plonk a set of smart glasses or a virtual-reality helmet before the philosopher Plato, and after his fastidious recoil there...

the UK news
Jun 22, 2017
The explosion of the world population
人口问题无论是IELTS写作图表题目,还是PTE口语题目都是常考的热点话题。我们用一篇最新的报道来学习常用的语言技巧。 The world’s population will break through the 8 billion mark in 2023, there...

Jun 22, 2017
Don’t blame Instagram for the rise of botox and lip fillers - 整容问题
A new report rightly suggests that non-surgical cosmetic procedures need tighter regulation, but stumbles by blaming selfies and social...

the UK news
Jun 22, 2017
Failed Brussels attack could have caused widespread casualties – authorities
Morroccan national with possible Isis sympathies was shot dead after trying to explode suitcase bomb in Central station. A man who tried...

Jun 20, 2017
5 kilograms of broccoli in a pill slashes diabetics’ blood sugar
By Andy Coghlan Doctors frequently tell us to eat our greens, but soon they could be prescribing broccoli. A powder that contains...

Jun 19, 2017
Don’t feel sorry for apologising – it could be good for you
We are told that apologising too much undermines our authority and damages our self-esteem, but saying you’re sorry has some surprising...

Jun 15, 2017
How to extinguish the inflammation epidemic
Stress, obesity and poor diet trigger persistent inflammation, which can lead to heart disease and depression. We’re finally working out...

the UK news
Jun 14, 2017
Sacré beurre: fears over croissant price hike as France faces butter shortage - intermediate level
Price of butter has rocketed 92% in a year and bakers are warning of a strong risk that key ingredient is ‘running out’ Agence...

Jun 14, 2017
Police warned of drug so powerful it can kill in one breath
By Mallory Locklear The US opioid epidemic may be getting even worse. Preliminary data suggests overdoses are soaring, while law...

Jun 13, 2017
Ocean plastics from Haiti’s beaches turned into laptop packaging
By Anita Makri What if pieces of plastic strewn across the world’s beaches ended up in brand new computer boxes, not floating in the...

Jun 13, 2017
Eating a low carb breakfast may make you a more tolerant person
If you are a bad-tempered or crusty person, why not to alter your dietary behaviour? By Clare Wilson A low-carb diet might do more than...

Jun 12, 2017
A new history of cultural big ideas looks to the East for solace
To create a less divisive world, Jeremy Lent's The Patterning Instinct wants to get rid of the Western split between animalistic urges...

the UK news
Jun 11, 2017
The best of the UK seaside
Broadstairs, Kent Broadstairs must be in my blood. My mum’s family has been going there at least since Edward VII was on the throne. We...

Jun 11, 2017
The stories we tell have the power to shape our future - upper-intermediate level
Stories about a better future can help break the dominance of the story that says you’re screwed, says legendary science fiction writer...

Jun 11, 2017
Life aloft: The unexplored ecosystem above your head - intermediate level
We have nature reserves on land and at sea, but the sky has never been considered a habitat, let alone one worth preserving, until now By...

Jun 10, 2017
Fungus creates zombie beetles that crave flowers before death
Zoologger is our weekly column highlighting extraordinary animals – and occasionally other organisms – from around the world. By Richa...

Jun 10, 2017
Girls, incarcerated
More women are being put behind bars. Fewer should be One of Mexico’s newest prisons allows inmates to receive a conjugal visit every...

Jun 10, 2017
Causing a stink: The truth about fragrances and your health
Headlines claim scented candles can cause cancer and air fresheners trigger asthma. Is it a load of hot air or is it time to go...

Jun 7, 2017
Late nights and lie-ins at the weekend are bad for your health
By Linda Geddes Hitting the snooze button at weekends to make up for early starts during the week may be doing more harm than good....

the UK news
Jun 7, 2017
Meatonomics' David Robinson Simon: 'Everything I envision for meat has happened with tobacco
David Robinson Simon’s latest colonoscopy was carried out at a major hospital in southern California by the head of its gastroenterology...
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