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The Economist & Yao D.B.
Sep 11, 2019
Consumption of plastic bag
#IELTSWritingtask2 #TOEFLWritingtask2 #PTEAcademic

Yao Daneels Becquart
Jul 12, 2019
Pandemic of overusing mobile phone
Going for a stroll in the complex, where the population is not so dense as those in the various city centres of Chongqing, my wife and I...

The Economist
May 18, 2019
The merits and demerits of a cashless society
What does a cashless society hold in store for the stakeholders involved? When examining the merits and demerits of a cashless society,...

Yao Daneels Becquart
May 14, 2019
Boredom is our closest intimate
After a short trip, I finally relished my breakfast at home as listening to the radio programme I've been doing for more than a decade. I...

Yao Daneels Becquart
Apr 6, 2019
Salt 'kills' more people in Asia
According to the Lancet-a health journal, our daily diet a bigger murderer than smoking, and its impact brings about one in five deaths...

Yao Daneels Becquart
Mar 15, 2019
Fancy cars can't make us fancy our life
Steeds minder Belgen halen een rijbewijs: "Jongeren zien een auto niet langer als statussymbool" - this is a piece of Belgian news I read...

The Economist&Yao Daneels Becquart
Mar 6, 2019
What's the world coming to when it comes to teens
Teenage is a group of people I've often been meeting up with due to the nature of my occupation. Some are luckily born in wealthy...

Yao Daneels Becquart
Jan 31, 2019
What's the matter with Chengdu?
More than 20 years ago I moved to a city many ordinary people in China considered as a paradise where there were a wonderful environment...

Yao Daneels Becquart
Oct 28, 2018
Your beauty sleep
The picture above is from the Guardian I don't recall when exactly I've often heard that some of my students particularly girls can't...

Yao Daneels Becquart
Jul 16, 2018
IELTS Writing Task2 Topics
Please click the picture above so as to download the PDF file. And all the questions are original from Google Search. EDUCATION Things...

Yao Daneels Becquart
May 26, 2018
Polymaths vanish in China
The song uploaded today is incredibly sung by a professional dentist, despite the fact that he has never been tutored how to sing a song...

Yao Daneels Becquart
Apr 13, 2018
Championship of antibiotics takers
In this day and age, antibiotics are notorious for triggering antimicrobial resistance that makes drugs have less efficacy, albeit they...

Yao Daneels Becquart
Feb 4, 2018
Don't be over-optimistic
Compared to 15 years ago, the year 2013 in those rich countries above saw better demeanour of teenagers in many ways: they got on with...

Yao Daneels Becquart
Dec 15, 2017
Don’t let a mobile phone make you immobilise!
It is obvious that many of the young are looking forward to 25 hours a day in the foreseeable future owing to the fact that they are...

Oct 30, 2017
Who can you trust? How tech is reshaping what we believe
We've lost faith in experts, but increasingly rely on strangers we meet online. Is it wise to replace long-evolved instincts at the click...

Yao Daneels Becquart
Oct 30, 2017
The biggest threat to life
Have you ever thought of what the most dangerous threat to humankind is? Perhaps the first thing sprung to mind is terminal ailments like...

Yao Daneels Becquart
Sep 9, 2017
Don't market yourself too much
Marketing does make a paramount contribution to the modern economy across the globe. Yet, not all walks of life demand the strategy that...

Yao Daneels Becquart
Sep 9, 2017
The Internet creates an egalitarian society
In the previous years, the well-to-do took an unrivalled advantage of all the information resources ranging from scientific research to...

the UK news
Jul 6, 2017
Is running ability down to effort or DNA? And can it be proved?
If you’re really serious about competitive running, there are companies that test your DNA to determine your sporting potential. But does...

the UK news
Jul 2, 2017
Life is about loss and letting go – especially with our children
Tim Lott The most resonant truth about children is that they disappear. Slowly, gradually, but eventually. Children in that sense are...
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