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Yu Zhe
May 16, 2017
TOEFL WRITING Task 2 - city/countryside
Some people think that the best place to raise children is in a city. Others think that the best place is in the countryside. Compare...
Yu Zhe
May 16, 2017
以下短语适用于托福写作的句子连接或者段落连接,有些和我们分享的托福口语短语是一致的。 Reasons There are different reasons why There are several explanations for There are many...

Yu Zhe
May 15, 2017
A close friend
真正的好朋友其实完全不受,区域,性别,年龄,地位和财富的影响,因为他/她们懂得彼此。但当财富和地位成为了择友的唯一标准时,那么好朋友也应该也只是昙花一现了。 Those days I've been asking myself why vast people who try...

Yu Zhe
May 15, 2017
Illiteracy is the demon of life
这曾是一篇为GRE学生复习词汇的写作,她超出了普通写作的要求。但写作永远是充满魅力和想象力。她从不担心被复制,被抄袭,因为她的生命中永远流淌着与众不同的血液。 In the religious world no matter Christian or Catholic,...

May 12, 2017
TOEFL Speaking and Writing rubrics - 托福口语写作评分标准
大家会发现托福在口语写作的评分相对雅思要简化些,特被注重逻辑和自然的表达。一些雅思的说话表达或者书写习惯并不适合托福。如果有人告诉你这两个考试的写作是相似的那么一定是有失偏颇的。 #TOEFLSpeaking #TOEFLWritingtask2

Yu Zhe
May 2, 2017
IELTS/TOEFL - 写作口语话题 - means of transport
These days going for a stroll on the pavement in many cities of China, you probably see there are either yellowish or orangish two wheels...
Yu Zhe
Apr 30, 2017
Phrases of essay writing - 学术写作常用句式
我们将以下面这道写作题目来指导不同的短语是如何运用的: Despite the increased availability of healthy food and our greater knowledge of what makes a healthy diet, we...

Yu Zhe
Apr 26, 2017
这道托福考试题目通常是大家比较熟悉的题材,大部分考生都会从环境,健康或者科技来入手写作,我们提供一种新的挑战思维来供大家参考: One of factors that drives people not giving up their own wheels is an...
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