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Jul 20, 2017
The death of smoking: how tobacco will be eradicated for good
Smoking rates have been slowly falling in Western countries for decades. Soon, the habit could be wiped out, without even having to ban...

Jul 19, 2017
Feeling lonely? You’re not on your own
Anyone can feel lonely, even when surrounded by friends, and loneliness is on the up. How can we curb its devastating effect on people's...

Oxford + Yuzhe
Jul 18, 2017
The outer planets - 有声 - Intermediate level
故事请点击音频: Please click the audio so as to listen to the story #Extrareading #Extralistening

Oxford + Yuzhe
Jul 18, 2017
Keeping our planet cool - 有声 - Intermediate level
故事请点击音频: Please click the audio so as to listen to the story #Extrareading #Extralistening

Oxford + Yuzhe
Jul 18, 2017
Food Producer - 有声 - Intermediate level
故事请点击音频: Please click the audio so as to listen to the story #Extralistening #Extrareading

Jul 17, 2017
When is a black hole not a black hole? When it’s a boson star
Astronomers are confident they know what the mysterious massive object at the Milky Way’s heart is – but our first direct view this year...

Jul 16, 2017
Artificial Intelligence ushers in the era of superhuman doctors
Non-human intelligence will soon be a standard part of your medical care – if it isn’t already. Can you trust it? By Kayt Sukel THE...

the UK news
Jul 13, 2017
Iceberg altering the landscape
Let's look into the three chart above: At 5,800 sq km the new iceberg, expected to be dubbed A68, is half as big as the record-holding...

Jul 12, 2017
Online harassment on the rise – but no one can agree what it is
By Aylin Woodward With great power comes great responsibility. Social media and online platforms let us have conversations across...

Jul 8, 2017
The ethics issue: Should we give other animals rights?
Minimising the suffering of other life forms is a laudable goal – but there's also human well-being to consider Minimise suffering of...

Jul 8, 2017
Even toddlers expect bullies to get more than their fair share
By Aylin Woodward Even babies seem to expect bullies to get more in life. For the first time, there’s evidence that infants expect...

the UK news
Jul 6, 2017
Is running ability down to effort or DNA? And can it be proved?
If you’re really serious about competitive running, there are companies that test your DNA to determine your sporting potential. But does...

Jul 4, 2017
The way we run protects our upper bodies but our legs suffer
By Nicole Wetsman Love a good run, but keep getting leg injuries? That could be because the way we run puts the brunt of jogging’s hard...

the UK news
Jul 2, 2017
Life is about loss and letting go – especially with our children
Tim Lott The most resonant truth about children is that they disappear. Slowly, gradually, but eventually. Children in that sense are...

Jul 2, 2017
Find the flow: Harnessing the incredible power of living fluids
We're beginning to learn the rules that govern how everything from flocks of birds to sperm cells flow, and it could transform technology...

Jun 30, 2017
Open the floodgates: Designer deluges could save dammed rivers
Dams provide vital green power but destroy precious river ecosystems. Could unleashing artificial floods give us the best of both worlds?...

the UK news
Jun 30, 2017
How to eat: sausage rolls
Sausage rolls get everywhere. Not just the pastry, which, following a moment of petrol station weakness on the A50, can work itself into...

Jun 29, 2017
Why your real age may be older – or younger – than your years
Biological age can diverge from the number of years we celebrate on our birthdays - and it sheds light on the time we have left By Helen...

Jun 27, 2017
Living near noisy roads could make it harder to get pregnant
By Inga Vesper Living near a noisy road seems to affect couples who are trying get pregnant, increasing the likelihood that it will take...

Jun 26, 2017
Say it with feeling: The complex world of emojis
If a picture paints a thousand words, how many in an emoji? The Emoji Code delves deep into the linguistics and non-linguistics of...
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