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  • There are different reasons why

  • There are several explanations for

  • There are many positive/negative reasons for

  • There are some/more/fewer benefits/disadvantages to


  • Why I believe

  • I’d like to explain why

  • Personally

  • I’d enjoy

  • I would prefer

  • I think

  • In my opinion

  • As far as I’m concerned

  • It seems to me

  • I suggest


  • If

  • Even if

  • If I could

  • Whether or not

  • … may/might

  • … can be

Further argument

  • First … Second … Third

  • In addition

  • There are three reasons why

  • Similarly

  • Furthermore

  • Moreover

  • Further

  • As an example

  • For instance

  • What’s more

  • Not only … but also

  • … including

  • More than

  • Also

  • … coupled with

  • Both … and


  • In conclusion

  • Finally

  • As a result (of)

  • In summary

  • Therefore

  • To sum up

  • In other words

  • To summarise

  • Then

  • In brief

  • On the whole

  • To conclude

  • As we have seen

  • As has been said

Restatement of an argument

  • To put it differently

  • To repeat

  • Namely

  • That is

  • In other words


  • Consequently

  • Because (of)

  • Due to

  • Thanks to

  • If this occurs, then

  • To this end

  • Since

  • For this reason

  • As a result

  • Caused by

Time relationship

  • Immediately

  • Then

  • Later

  • Afterwards

  • After

  • Before

  • While

  • During

  • As soon as

  • As

  • Sometimes

  • Last

  • Frequently

  • When

  • Once

  • Often

  • Oftentimes


  • Overall

  • For the most part

  • In general

  • Generally speaking

  • By and large


  • Some may argue that

  • Although

  • Even though

  • Whereas

  • Instead

  • In contrast

  • On the one hand

  • On the other hand

  • However

  • In spite of

  • Despite

  • Unlike

  • On the contrary

  • But

  • Yet

  • Rather than

  • Either

  • Or

  • Nor

  • Neither

  • Either … or …

  • Neither … or …

  • Nevertheless

  • Nonetheless

  • Sometimes

  • Once in a while

  • Occasionally

  • Some … other (s)

  • Other (s)

  • Often

  • None


  • Above all

  • Obviously

  • Clearly

  • Evidently

  • Actually

  • In fact

  • Certainly

  • Definitely

  • Extremely

  • Indeed

  • Absolutely

  • Positively

  • Surprisingly

  • Unquestionably

  • Without a doubt

  • Objectively

  • In fact


  • … seems to warrant

  • … contend/s

  • … argue/s

  • … justify/ies

  • This observation is supported by

  • To plead

  • … suggest/s

  • The suggestion is valid

  • … propose/s

  • … claim/s

  • … state/s

  • … clearly proof enough

  • If I had the choice

  • … examine/s

  • … assert/s


  • … object/s (to)

  • … disagree/s with

  • … contradict/s

  • … doesn’t/don’t support

  • … is/are invalid

  • These arguments, one by one, can be challenged

  • … is absurd/ridiculous/unfounded/illogical

  • … not to be taken seriously

  • … has/have no scientific basis

  • … dispute/s

Another option

  • … might be the better option

  • … make/s it a better policy

  • It’s beneficial/better/positive

  • It’s detrimental/worse/negative

  • … is true/false

  • The assertion that …

  • … seem/s to offer strong arguments for/against

  • … is/are better/worse than

  • One option is … The other option is …


  • Just as

  • As … as

  • In the same way

  • Similarly

  • Likewise

  • As in/as with/as was/etc.


  • In order to

  • For

  • So that

  • So as to


  • As evidence of

  • The legitimacy of

  • Such as

  • For example

  • A few of these are

  • In the case of

  • In addition

  • For one thing … for another


  • The problem is (how)

  • The question is

  • What is being asked/challenged

Contact us


Working hours:

       (Mon - Fri 10.00am to 5.00pm)

       (Sat 9.30am to 4.00pm)

Address of studio:

        Fulicheng 2P

        Daxuecheng Nanlu 22

        Chongqing, China





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