The picture above is from the Guardian
I don't recall when exactly I've often heard that some of my students particularly girls can't sleep well sometimes even suffer from insomnia so that their common setback is applying cosmetics or having plastic surgeries done under the table in order to sustain a voluptuous figure that far boosts their self-assurance.
When at a secondary school in China, I barely saw any female classmates who used makeup as their daily routine that seems irresistible in this day and age. I've been consistently wondering what drives the trend across the entire country. Presumably, South Korean - a country is notorious for the strictest beauty standard - is springing to mind.
According to Guardian, South Korea's exacting beauty standards are the result of several factors that have combined to encourage women to aim for pale skin, big eyes, a high nose bridge, skinny legs, cherry-like lips, a small face and a nine-to-one body ratio, where the body is nine times as long as the face. While every country has its own sense of what is ideal, South Korea's strong conformist streak has led to millions striving to achieve the same look.
That a good quality of sleeping manages to make us youthful is often underestimated. Yet the vast majority of the young get used to staying up until small hours owing to the fact that never-ending works are awaiting them. In the end, to burn the midnight oil is the only panacea they have to count on. If I were a doctor or a general practitioner, the only advice I'd like to give would be sleeping enough, which, I do aver, is a win-win situation for beauty and health.
Despite the fact that some say beauty is only skin deep, I unquestionably ensure beauty does strengthen our confidence from all walks of life. The mere question is how much cost you may afford.